Creating Abundance - The Law of Attraction : Linda Kay Marchena - A Life By Design
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Creating Abundance - The Law of Attraction

by Author Is: on 04/20/11

By: David Marshall

We all want to create abundance in our lives and for those who have heard of the law of attraction this is a very common desire. But how do you do that? With the world seemingly going through a financial crisis leading to stress and more worry, manifesting and creating abundance can seem harder than ever. Discover how to create the abundance that you want and deserve by creating the right mind set and using the law of attraction.

The law of attraction is by far the best way to approach creating abundance in your life. Why would you not use the most powerful tool you have, YOU! Here I will outline 5 simple techniques that have brought me success in creating abundance in all areas of my life.

Abundance Strategy 1

Embrace the most basic rule of the law of attraction and conscious creation: ‘you get what you focus on’ : this means that your experience will focus on what you focus on and the more intensely you focus on it, the more intense and real it will be. Focus you attention on ABUNDANCE.

Abundance Strategy 2

Creating an abundance mind set: this is essential to do but what it is and how do you do it? The first you do is focus on the abundance in your life now or any abundance that you can see in reality. The key is to focus and acknowledge it. Secondly begin to praise any aspect of your life that you could call abundant: you need to create a ‘relationship’ with abundance and praising areas of your life is a great way to do that.

Abundance Strategy 3

Get the abundant ‘feeling’ and FOCUS it! Reality responds to beliefs and feelings, beliefs are the ignition and emotions are the fuel: so find a way, anyway to start believing that YOU can be abundant, just use the abundance strategies 1 &2. Once you get the ‘feeling’ of what it will be like to be abundant, take 5 minutes each day to feed that feeling into your life. Imagine that feeling flow into areas that you want to be abundant and allow those feelings to grow; it is like watering a plant. Soon you will feel more abundant, start to believe in your abundance and great things happen from there.

Abundance Strategy 4

Explore your abundance ‘patterns and beliefs’: Take some time to explore your beliefs about abundance. Remember that the reason you have a lack of abundance is that you have directed the law of attraction and reality to create that lack, through your belief system, emotions and imagination. So what do you believe about abundance? I promise you that you will have limiting beliefs about it and that those beliefs MUST change to create something new in your life. Start to write some lists about your ideas and you will soon see where your beliefs have limited your experience.

Abundance Strategy 5

Break down your behavior and patterns: one of the best ways to introduce new ideas is to shake up the old ones. So start doing some things differently, break up your patterns of thinking. If you eat at 7 every night, eat at 6. If you go to bed at 11, go to bed at 11.15: it does not matter what you do but you must BREAK your old thinking and that can be helped by breaking habits and patterns of thinking. Just do something different to the norm, it really does help!

There I have listed 5 brilliant law of attraction strategies that I know will help in creating abundance. Remember that you must have new beliefs to create new experiences and these 5 simple strategies have worked for me over the last decade or so to help break down the limiting ideas to make way for the new ideas that allow the law of attraction to get to work.

The law of attraction does work but it takes commitment and energy to master it so keep going and never give up your dreams.

To master the ability to create the life you want and understand your true nature is a personal and spiritual journey that is challenging so I would encourage you to get support and training.

David Marshall is the author of 3 books and has been teaching the law of attraction and spiritual development since 1997. He is a fully qualified Master NLP Practitioner and Master Hypnotherapist and is committed to helping his clients understand their ability to create wealth and creating abundance in their lives.

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